I’m a designer of many things, from buildings, to magazines, to games. But I love web design the most a, because it perfectly combines two passions of mine: aesthetics and coding. It is also incredibly versatile, since a website can be anything from a magazine or a game to an art gallery. And at its best it can also be a full and unique aesthetic experience.
I graduated from the University of Brasilia in architecture and urban planning. Soon after, I drifted to game design and developed a taste for coding and technology. Then illustration, and graphic design, then I started my masters in aesthetics. But by then I had tasted the sweet nectar of algorithms and coding, and long hours of debugging. It all came together when I decided to focus on web development where, more then anywhere else, the beauty and the code walk hand in hand.
web development + graphic design
These are some of the projects I've been working on to teach myself web dev. Feel free to take a look.
My formal education in architecture and urban planning provided a solid base for design. After that, I taught myself many skills for practical reasons: from typography to programming games in python, and even web design. As I recently decided to focus more on web development, I took advantage of this new era of on-line courses. Listing them here, I believe, will allow you a good sense of my skillset on the field.
Feel free to click on the course or institution to be forwarded to their websites.
grey means completed
yellow means enrolled
Web Design for Everybody | |
University of Michigan | 70h |
I'm not much of social media buff, so if you wish to contact me, the easiest way is good ol' email: isac.dvo+web@gmail.com
As a bonus content, you can check out some code or check out some sketches.